Thinking about selling your home and are already feeling overwhelmed?

Here are some helpful tips

The first thing to realise is you are not alone! They say selling your home is one of the most stressful things you can do so what you are feeling is perfectly natural.

Having said that those emotions if left unchecked will add to your stress levels and might well compromise your sale price in the end so it is important to prepare yourselves before you commence the sales process.

My 7 top tips to help you through the emotional challenges of the sales process are:

  1. Discuss your decision to sell with people you trust and get comfortable with your decision before you proceed
  2. Let go of emotional attachment to your home as best you can albeit easier said than done
  3. Focus on the future benefits of this move and accept that you are likely to experience some short term pain for long term gain
  4. Retain and consult advisors who you trust, in particular your accountant, lawyer and selling agent but remember in the end you are the decision maker
  5. Be as objective as possible when appraising the value of your home as overpriced properties remain on market too long and often sell for less than they would have had they been correctly priced up front
  6. Choose the method of sale you feel comfortable with (for example some people find the intensity of an auction campaign too stressful)
  7. Be prepared to consider and accept a good offer early as your first offer is often your best offer

I hope these tips help you and I wish you every success with your sale.

Selling advice
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Thinking about selling your home and are already feeling overwhelmed?